New methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate cybercriminality
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Welcome to the CC-DRIVER newsletter!
CC-DRIVER is an EU-funded H2020 project combining interdisciplinary research with innovation activities to illuminate the role of technical and human factors in current cybercrime trends and translate the findings into co-design tools and new methods to support the fight against cybercrime. We welcome your insights on our research and innovation activities by contacting us at ccdriver@trilateralresearch.com. You can follow project updates on our CC-DRIVER website and by following our social media handles. | |
In this newsletter you can find insights on:
The International Summit of Youth and Crime
Latest project news: CC-DRIVER 2021 European Youth Survey
Recent events - CC-DRIVER at the 6th International Workshop: Big Data Analytic for Cyber Crime Investigation & Prevention
Reading corner: CC-DRIVER policy briefs - Challenges in the measurement of cybercrime
- Women in cyber
- Regulation of adversarial machine learning attacks in the EU
For LEAs - LEA Working Group Insights on "Managing EU security proposals"
- Cloud Forensics Framework for LEAs
For CSOs and SMEs - Strengthening SMEs and CSOs: Vulnerability Self-Assessment Application
Reading Corner: CC-DRIVER policy briefs - Challenges in measurement of cybercrime
- Women in cyber
- Regulation of adversarial machine learning attacks in the EU
LEA Cluster news & events - ROXANNE
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International Summit on Youth and Crime | |
The International Summit on Youth and Cybercrime will take place on 1 March 2023 within the framework of CC-DRIVER and RAYUELA projects, initiatives funded by the European Union to understand the drivers of cybercriminality and research methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate cybercriminal behaviour. Hosted by the Valencia Local Police in the city of Valencia (Spain), it will provide a platform for researchers from the CC-DRIVER and RAYUELA projects to present their results and main findings focusing on the implications for policy and practice. The Summit is intended to be a discussion forum, where high-level experts in the field will share their research, best practices and lessons learned, adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, to better tackle cybercriminality, with a special focus on young people. The audience will be comprised of policy makers, law enforcement agencies, research, industry and academia, education and other experts in the field of cybercrime and cybersecurity. All news and information surrounding the summit can be found on the CC-DRIVER and RAYUELA websites. | |
CC-DRIVER 2021 European Youth Survey | |
The 2021 European Youth Survey, conducted by our partners at University of East London Professor Julia Davidson, Professor Mary Aiken, Kirsty Phillips and Ruby Farr, is one of the largest studies to date exploring youth cybercriminality.
Informed by five key disciplines (cyberpsychology, criminology, psychology, neuroscience, and digital anthropology), results confirm that cybercrime and cyberdeviance is prevalent: two thirds (69%) of European youth self-report to have committed at least one form of cybercrime or online harm or risk taking, and just under half report to have engaged in criminal behaviour online. The survey also finds that males are more likely than females to self-report having been involved in at least one form of cybercrime or online harm or risk taking in the last year and results confirm that the majority of cybercrime and cyberdeviant behaviours are gendered. Analysis demonstrates that cybercriminal and online harm or risk taking behaviours form a cluster of 11 behaviours that are highly interrelated represent a spectrum. Read more about the 2021 European Youth Survey on our website.
If you are interested, also check out our previous blogpost on understanding youth cybercriminality – overview of key interview findings from experts in the field. | |
CC-DRIVER at the 6th International Workshop: Big Data Analytic for Cyber Crime Investigation & Prevention | |
On 20 September 2022, CC-DRIVER and CYBERSPACE projects – both part of the CC-DRIVER LEA Cluster – joined forces and hosted an online webinar on cybersecurity.
The Information Security Forum (ISF), in their work as a partner in the CC-DRIVER project, presented the results of their policy gap analysis, discussed their analytical framework for effective policymaker response, and shared their initial work on the development of a policy toolkit to respond to the policy gaps highlighted.
From CYBERSPACE, KEMEA discussed a stakeholder analysis, detailing different stakeholders' involvement, interest, response, influence, impact and stance taken against cybersecurity issues when they were affected by cybercriminal activities. | |
Reading Corner: CC-DRIVER policy briefs | |
Challenges in the measurement of cybercrime | |
Cybercrime is on the rise, affecting individuals and organisations globally. Yet cybercrimes are constantly evolving, making it difficult to form an accurate picture on the current cybercrime panorama. This CC-DRIVER policy brief describes the current issues and barriers to accurately measuring and investigating cybercrimes, from both a practical and methodological perspective.
Read and download the full brief here. | |
Regulation of Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks in the EU | | | |
Women are disproportionality affected by cyber, both being victims of more cybercrime and representing a significantly lower proportion of the cybersecurity workforce compared to men.
This policy brief summarises how cybersecurity fails women and the lack of female representation in the cybersecurity workforce, as well as outlines key recommendations to increase inclusion of women in cyber.
Read and download the full brief here.
| | Adversarial machine learning attacks (AMLAs) is an umbrella term for a variety of cyber-attacks that revolve around machine learning systems, most often impairing the latter’s functioning or obtaining new information in an unauthorised manner.
This policy brief showcases the importance of understanding the techniques used in AMLAs and next steps in responding to AMLAs.
Read and download the full brief here. | | | |
Strengthening SMEs and CSOs: Vulnerability Self-Assessment Application | |
As part of CC-DRIVER, the team has developed a Vulnerability Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) to assist Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to protect themselves by embarking on cybersecurity defences, organisational measures, cost-benefit considerations, awareness of fundamental rights such as the rights to privacy, protection of personal data and the free movement of persons.
The self-assessment questionnaire is intended to help SMEs and CSOs receive a comprehensive report on their current security posture and most importantly improvement recommendations. These recommendations can be used by aforementioned entities to strengthen their security posture. The self-assessment questionnaire becomes a powerful tool for SMEs and CSOs because they usually lack the resources to hire the required cyber security professionals to make such an assessment.
The SAQ was launched in summer 2022 and CC-DRIVER will publish a report in the coming months from this data giving an overview of SMEs and CSOs security posture.
Read more about the function and application of the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) here. | |
Check out our “For LEAs” section on the CC-DRIVER website! - Recognising that our projects have common stakeholders and similar objectives in supporting law enforcement against organised crime and terrorism, we have formed the LEA cluster. Find out more about our sister projects in the LEA Cluster.
- The CC-DRIVER LEA Working Group is a forum for LEAs to exchange experiences and best practices with a focus on cybercrime. These meetings act as a safe space for LEAs to discuss the human, social and societal aspects of security issues and mitigations. Learn more about the LEA Working Group.
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LEA Working Group Insight on Managing EU Security Projects | |
In its 7th Edition, the CC-DRIVER LEA Working Group discussed the issue of managing European security projects as a LEA. New technological breakthroughs like drones, AI, and communications in the digital age have an impact on police services and call for cooperation with industry and academia to produce innovative solutions and research. Law enforcement can contribute by describing requirements for successful policing, defining use cases, evaluating, training, analysing, and disseminating, especially among LEAs. Read more
The next LEA Working Group will be the last to be hosted by Local Police Valencia and in the scope of CC-DRIVER, since the CC-DRIVER project will come to an end by March 2023. The LEA Working Group will not, however, be discontinued. LEAs can keep on being stronger together in the group under the patronage of the CYBERSPACE project, where KEMEA will assume PLV’s responsibilities. Find out more | |
Cloud Forensics Framework for LEAs | |
Internet-based cloud technology is a network of remote data centers often placed beyond the country's legal frontiers worldwide. Contrary to the benefits of cloud computing, it is also a target of cybercriminals who may affect its resources on a larger scale by a single exploit. For protecting the cloud resources and increasing the confidence of cloud users, it is necessary to make one accountable for disrupting its services based on relevant evidence that proves someone's guilt in a court of law.
Read more on our partner Privanova’s study which set out to design a framework that mitigates the dependency of cloud service providers by collecting the evidence of a security incident outside the cloud by colluding the Internet service providers and law enforcement. | |
LEA Cluster news & events | |
ROXANNE Final Conference – a big success
The final conference of the ROXANNE project was hosted by Capgemini Technology Services and took place on 29 November at Campus Cyber, Paris, and online. Thanks to all project partners involved with this very successful event, which saw around 110 participants attending in person and online. ROXANNE hosted people from all over the world, with varied backgrounds in LEAs, or as researchers, policymakers, representatives from industry, or members of civil society organisations or the external ethics board. Consortium partners presented the project’s achievements, the ethical approach to ROXANNE, the latest capabilities of the Autocrime platform (including tools that partners have developed), and the training platform and police use cases. To demonstrate connections beyond the ROXANNE project, and show the potential life of the Autocrime platform after the project ends, two panel discussion were organised. The first was dedicated to common challenges, future collaborations and future research directions with other projects, and the second presented the exploitation path for ROXANNE tools and discussed this with LEAs. Participants found the presentations and conversations to be interesting and fruitful. More can be read about the event here: https://www.roxanne-euproject.org/news/roxanne-final-conference.
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TRACE - Registries of beneficial owners in the European Union: Freedom of information or protection of privacy?
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TRACE is at the halfway point of its work on tackling illicit money flows. A recent blog from project partners Professors Dimitris Kafteranis and Umut Turksen analyses a significant recent European court decision, and its ominous implications for financial regulation and transparency.
Read TRACE's blog here. | | | |
CYBERSPACE - Report cybercrimes and get your data back
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In the latest CYBERSPACE blogpost, Ranieri Argentini (Netherlands Forensic Institute) highlights the importance of reporting cybercrime by exemplifying how it may be possible to retrieve your data that has been stolen as a result of a cyberattack.
Read CYBERSPACE's blog here. | | | |
First RAYUELA video game pilots conducted with young people in the EU | |
RAYUELA has successfully finalised its first pilot of their video game. In total, ten workshops were held in Belgium, Greece, Spain, and France, involving 129 children between the ages of 11 and 17. The main aim of these workshops was to provide feedback to validate the game mechanics, implement cyber adventures, and assess the game's usability. The RAYUELA team is currently planning the 2nd and 3rd Phase pilot studies of the video game across the EU. The videogame strives to teach children across the EU on how to protect themselves from cybercrime and how to educate themselves in a safe, fun environment how to fight cybercrime.
Check out more updates from RAYUELA here. | |
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Our mailing address is: Trilateral Research 1 Knightsbridge Green London SW1X 7QA United Kingdom ccdriver@trilateralresearch.com
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